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    Elementary School

    Home of the Timberwolves!

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    Parent Square Post
    • Fall Festival Sign-ups
      We need YOU! We are so excited about our upcoming Fall Festival, and the only way to make this wonderful day a huge success is with your help! We are in need of some items, as well as some helping hands.  Please sign up here, and join the fun. The PTO is incredibly grateful for your help and support! Happy Fall!   [Sunday, Oct 20 at 6:46 PM] Reminder. . . . . We are thrilled about our upcoming Fall Festival! We are still looking for volunteers and donations. We cannot wait for you to join the FUN! [Tuesday, Oct 22 at 11:23 AM] 5 days until the Fall Festival! Looking forward to a wonderful day with our Taylor Families. Please take a moment to sign up as a volunteer or for a donation. Thank you!
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    • PTO meeting! This coming Wednesday!
      We will be having our monthly PTO meeting next Wednesday, September 25, at 3:30.  Please join us for the planning of our Fall Festival and this year's fundraisers.   Events like these can only be a success with the help of our families!   We will meet in the school library at 3:30.  Hope to see you there!
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